Using Documents


In every product, the documents list can be accessed by clicking 'Browse All Documents' in the navigation bar which appears in the header, at the top of every page:


Screenshot of a site navigation bar, with the 'Browse All Documents' tab highlighted.


Click the document title or image thumbnail from the document list to open the document details page. This page includes:


  • All images for that document, located in the image viewer
  • Summary metadata
  • Full document metadata, including any interactive metadata tags to filter results
  • Transcripts (available for printed, audio, or video documents)
  • Chapter information (available for printed books)

The summary metadata fields provide a brief overview of the document, including key fields such as title, date, document type and topics. The document details beneath the image provide more detailed metadata, such as descriptions and copyright information. Any metadata tag will, when clicked, perform a search and navigate to a list of all documents associated with that term. 

Screenshot of the image viewer and summary metadata fields, with an annotation highlighting the buttons to download or bookmark document.

Screenshot of the document details, located beneath the image viewer.
Images, metadata and any available transcripts can be downloaded for use offline. Select the ‘Download’ button under the image viewer and choose to download the current image, transcript or document metadata associated with the document. Choose the preferred file type for download. Available options include PDF, JPG or PNG files. For the best-quality printout, it is recommended that you download the required image(s) as a PDF.

Screenshot of the download pop-up.

Bookmark the whole document or selected images to view in My Account.

Image viewer

Hovering the cursor in the image viewer displays a menu with the following options in the top right of the viewing window:


  • Zoom in or out
  • Toggle full page view
  • Rotate left or right
  • Go home – resets the image to the default view

Navigate through the document by selecting ‘Browse Images’ or by using the arrows to move between images. Use the page number input box on the top right to open a specific image within the document.

The dimensions of the image viewer can be toggled between full and half width using the arrows to the bottom right of the viewing window.

Screenshot of the image viewer, with annotations highlighting the button to 'browse images', located on the left, the buttons to change the dimensions of the image viewer, on the bottom right, and the buttons to zoom, rotate, expand, or return to default, located on the top right.


To return to the document list, click 'Document list' at the top left of the page, above the image viewer.


For more information on searching within products to find relevant documents, please visit our search help pages.